I'll keep the writing just like my little girl....short and sweet. We had Christmas with Michael's parents a few days before because my family was coming to stay at my house for Christmas Eve. They gave Avery her very own kitchen set with about 200 different pieces of dishes, silverware, food, etc. She loves it!

On Christmas Eve, my crazy family came up and after a dinner of gumbo, we had an impromptu dance party in the living room. This is my dad...breaking it down!

Avery had to show off her moves, too!

She was worn out from all the dancing, so she cuddled up close with Grandma.

And also loved on her Papa.

She had to check out the chimney to see if Santa would fit through.

I read to her and the rest of the family, "The Night Before Christmas". I hope to keep it going every year until my kids think I'm not cool anymore.

My sister Jessica and I took Avery outside to throw reindeer food, a tradition we've done since elementary school.

We throw the food, make a wish, and spin around three times. After that, we must run inside and jump straight to bed.

Santa definitely came to visit Avery that night while she was asleep.

She didn't know what was going on!!

But once she saw all her toys, she had to check out everything.

Sweet little feet reaching for her presents.

Fisher Price's "Little People"...Noah's Ark.

She ate her breakfast on the run because she didn't want to miss any of the presents being opened.

She tore into those gifts and handed each thing she opened to her Grandma and Papa.

Looking all cute in her new Christmas outfit.

The dogs enjoyed their gifts, too...although they wanted to play with same frisbee.

After breakfast we did a little more dancing.

Group shot (just missing my brother Jake). My parents, 'Bama'...my dad's mother, and all our dogs. It was a great Christmas!!!!