Our baby has gone back to school. I had mixed emotions all month knowing she was going to be attending 4 days a week, but after I met her teacher twice, she relieved any anxiety I had. This morning, I was excited and ready to send her off and just to start back on a routine. I think it caught Michael off guard a bit because all he kept saying was, "She's just a tiny little baby. She's too little to go to school (insert pouty face here)". All I could think was...."It's been a loooooong summer!"
Here she is in front of our same door she's stood in front of for every first (and last) day of school. Check out Cotton the Creeper.
I had to fill out numerous forms before school began, and some of the questions pertained directly to Avery's likes...and *dislikes*. They wanted to know what she enjoys doing: playing pretend and roll playing. This girl is constantly acting like a different person, or animal, and creating scenarios for us to act out. Half of the time she's doing her own One Act Play as a dog or something odd:)
They wanted to know what she's good at: ummmm, everything, duh! JK...I didn't write that. I did say she is good with motor skills, building things, stacking things, and putting things together.
Another question was "What are her fears?" - BUGS! "How does she express her fear?" - VERBALLY! (AHHH.... A BUG, A BEE, A SPIDER!!)
When Michael strapped her into the car seat, I told him to give her any last words before she started school. He said, "Don't hold any boys' hands!" She said, "But I WANT TO!" He said, "No! You can hold a girl's hand, but not a boy's!" She told him, "But I hold a boy's hand, just a little bit" and pinched her fingers together to indicate a tiny amount:) She's a mess.
While waiting in carpool, we held hands and I prayed with her.
"Dear Jesus....."
"Ok Avery, let's try this again. Dear Jesus...."
We finally got a quick prayer out and it was mostly about her safety and that God will help her share, be nice, show manners, and listen to Mrs. Sue. She reminded me to pray and ask God to protect her from the coyotes. That's a whole different post altogether!
Here is a video of our conversation before she got out of the car.