Friday, I will be heading south to Glennville to visit my family and just relax. I always look forward to going 'home', because everything is so much slower, more peaceful, and less hustle and bustle. Before I pack my bags and leave my sad husband behind (he's sad because I'm leaving, not because he's pitiful), I wanted to share some of my new favorite pictures with you.
I love the Wizard of Oz, and all things blue gingham. I found this shirt on sale at The Gap and swooped it up for Avery. She posed for me while looking out of her bedroom window on a gorgeous day.

Her hair is getting longer, as you can see it hanging down behind her ear.

This is the same rocking chair that Michael's grandparents used in their home, then his mother used in her home, and now it sits in Avery's nursery.

My favorite color is blue, if you can't tell already. I hope it's Avery's favorite color because it's beautiful with her eyes.

My favorite! What a sweet little angel.

She had some funny expressions that day, too. This one says, "If you take my picture one more time, you're gonna be sorry!"

She has this new thing with her bottom lip and flips it in and out of her mouth, making a popping sound. It's cute, but of course, isn't everything your child does cute?

Whoooaaa Avery! She is playing with me here and probably screaming or something. We see this face a lot.

Again, playing with her bottom lip.

And if you think she always a sweetheart, this picture shows her evil side. She even is cute to look at when she's mad. It's hard getting angry with her because we think all of her faces are so funny and entertaining!

I love your blog! Your funny comments and awesome pictures are great. Your daughter is so cute! Oh, and I also love your "Not Me Mondays"...they crack me up!