In five days our little baby will be ONE YEAR OLD! I know people say "it flies by", "I can't believe it's been a year already", and all that jazz. Really, it does feel like it's been a year. I can remember every stage of her first year, and none of it happened without me noticing or documenting it.
With that being said, a BIG PARTY is on the calendar for our birthday girl. We are having a "pool party" this Sunday, a day after her actual birthday. Here is her invitation:

Check out the comparison between Avery's picture at 1 week old, and nearly a year old. All that dark hair fell out and grew back blonde. There are also a few more 'rolls' and teeth that have appeared since then.
This entire week will be a dedication to Avery's first year! Instead of writing a massive post about the day she was born, with waaaay to many pictures for one post to handle, I'm going to post something new everyday this week from that wonderful day she was born and the weekend we brought her home. Check back for more tomorrow!

so precious!!!!